Headshot of City Council candidate for Millbrae Ghassan Shamieh
Campaign logo for Millbrae City Council Candidate Ghassan Shamieh

Endorsement Alert!

Thomas Marriscolo - Millbrae Resident & Former Burlingame Police Officer


Paul Seto - Former Millbrae Mayor & Councilmember


Rachel Lauderdale - VP San Mateo Union High School District Teachers Association


Justine Rutigliano - San Mateo County Teacher


Eyad Musa - Millbrae Resident


Claire Beltrami - Millbrae School Board


Vockel family - Residents of Millbrae for 25+ Years


Rita Dawoud - Millbrae Resident


Kelly Orzario - Lomita Park 4th Grade Teacher


Sohalia Hernandez - Lomita Park 1st Grade Teacher


Courtney Medrano - Lomita Park 2nd Grade Teacher


Butch & Maria Berry - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teachers


Alexia Azucena - Lomita Park Reading Specialist


Jessica Gonzalez Ontiveros - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teacher


Jennifer Hoskins - Lomita Park Reading Specialist


Tina Mondani - Lomita Park Office Administrator


Hassan Dafir - Lomita Park ELD Tutor


Chris Rentaria - Lomita Park Facility Manager


Lynne Ferrario - Millbrae School District Trustee and Former Millbrae Elementary School Principal


Dr. Muhammad Baluom - City of Millbrae trustee at San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District


Thomas Marriscolo - Millbrae Resident & Former Burlingame Police Officer 〰️ Paul Seto - Former Millbrae Mayor & Councilmember 〰️ Rachel Lauderdale - VP San Mateo Union High School District Teachers Association 〰️ Justine Rutigliano - San Mateo County Teacher 〰️ Eyad Musa - Millbrae Resident 〰️ Claire Beltrami - Millbrae School Board 〰️ Vockel family - Residents of Millbrae for 25+ Years 〰️ Rita Dawoud - Millbrae Resident 〰️ Kelly Orzario - Lomita Park 4th Grade Teacher 〰️ Sohalia Hernandez - Lomita Park 1st Grade Teacher 〰️ Courtney Medrano - Lomita Park 2nd Grade Teacher 〰️ Butch & Maria Berry - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teachers 〰️ Alexia Azucena - Lomita Park Reading Specialist 〰️ Jessica Gonzalez Ontiveros - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teacher 〰️ Jennifer Hoskins - Lomita Park Reading Specialist 〰️ Tina Mondani - Lomita Park Office Administrator 〰️ Hassan Dafir - Lomita Park ELD Tutor 〰️ Chris Rentaria - Lomita Park Facility Manager 〰️ Lynne Ferrario - Millbrae School District Trustee and Former Millbrae Elementary School Principal 〰️ Dr. Muhammad Baluom - City of Millbrae trustee at San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District 〰️

“Raised by Millbrae, to Serve Millbrae”


Join the Movement!

Millbrae City Council Candidate Ghassan Shamieh with community members

We can’t be community-powered without you.

It takes all of us to make positive change in our community and our world. Sign up today to help our movement do just that. We know that Millbrae has a bright future ahead - we just need your help to make our vision a reality.

Join our team today to help secure a better future for Millbrae.


Meet Ghassan

My story is one many of us share.

I'm Ghassan Shamieh, a passionate advocate for Millbrae and its residents. My upbringing instilled in me the values of family, community, and hard work. Witnessing the daily dedication of my immigrant parents not only shaped my character but also sparked a deep understanding of immigration issues. This unique perspective ultimately led me to pursue a career in law.

My legal journey began with a transformative internship at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Afterward, law school equipped me with the skills and knowledge to tackle complex legal issues. During my summer associate role at Goodwin Procter in Silicon Valley, I gained valuable experience in business transactional law. My commitment to social justice led me to work with the Northwestern Law Center for Wrongful Convictions in Chicago, where I advocated for the release of a wrongly incarcerated individual. Additionally, while studying abroad at the University of San Francisco, I spent six months in Johannesburg working with a legal organization that provided free legal aid to underprivileged communities.

Throughout my legal career, I've consistently championed the rights of those facing discrimination, injustice, and hardship. As an immigration attorney, I've had the privilege of helping hundreds of people achieve the American dream and find a home in this country.

Diversity is one of San Mateo County’s greatest strengths. Our County’s vibrant mix of cultures and backgrounds is what inspires me to run for City Council. Together, we can build a community-powered Millbrae: a place where everyone feels welcome, valued, and empowered to contribute.

I firmly believe that together, we can achieve anything. I'm eager to be your voice on City Council, working collaboratively to build a brighter future for all of us.

Millbrae City Council Candidate Ghassan Shamieh with his family

About Millbrae

A diverse, community-focused future.

Ghassan is deeply rooted in Millbrae, having spent his entire life as a resident. The very home where he is raising his children is the same one in which he grew up. He is part of the fabric of this community that he has called home his entire life. These strong generational ties are a testament to the enduring spirit of our community, where many of us have similarly deep roots and cherish the continuity amidst change.

Despite the rich diversity that characterizes Millbrae and Northern California, there has been a notable absence of Arab-American representation. Ghassan seeks to change this by becoming one of the first Arab-American representatives in these areas, giving voice to the needs of many voters, citizens, and residents who have long been overlooked. Despite their significant presence as neighbors, business leaders, and community contributors, their needs have often gone unaddressed.

The future of Millbrae lies in our collective hands. Together, we can shape a stronger community, led by an advocate who understands our shared challenges and is committed to working with us to address them. This is our vision for a Millbrae powered by community unity and progress.


My Policies

  • I want Millbrae to remain the safe city that it was when I grew up here.

    As a city we have two priorities for safety: community safety and infrastructure safety. It's vital that our solutions are rooted in fairness and designed to protect all residents, regardless of their neighborhood or background. I am committed to working with the sheriff to implement community policing efforts, active relationships between residents and the sheriff, increasing lighting in high-risk areas, and providing educational resources on vehicle safety, we can create a safer, more inclusive Millbrae.

    For infrastructure, it's high time we repair and enhance our roads, and build more sidewalks. Safer roads and sidewalks assist in recreation, but also in accessibility to our seniors and disabled community members.

  • I will work to reimagine and invigorate downtown Millbrae. My goal is to create a welcoming environment where families can gather, explore, and enjoy a variety of activities without needing to leave our city. This includes attracting and supporting new restaurants, unique boutiques, and entertainment options that cater to all ages.

    I believe that by fostering a thriving downtown, we can inspire businesses to choose Millbrae as their location of choice, ensuring that our residents have ample opportunities to shop, dine, and enjoy themselves right here in our own community. By encouraging local investment and creating spaces where families can connect and relax, we will not only enhance the quality of life for our residents but also make Millbrae a sought-after destination for visitors.

  • Supporting our education system from the community to the classroom.

    Families in Millbrae are dedicated to providing their children with the best lives possible. It’s crucial that they have a strong advocate ensuring their schools are equally supported. I am committed to utilizing the full authority of the City Council to secure educational funding programs that enrich the lives of our youth. Additionally, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our schools offer a safe environment with enough traffic cones, working with the school board for disaster preparedness, and to foster a greater relationship with the community by working with Capuchino High School on making their pool open to the community after school hours.

    Mutual aid programs with schools such as food drives, clothing drives, and lawyer consultations free of charge, are also my priorities. The schools across our district act as community hubs for many of us in Millbrae. Mutual aid programs are a key part of how we build systems that provide support at these hubs to make us all better off and keep us safe and happy.

  • Millbrae’s resources need to be targeted where the most need is required.

    Compared to other cities in our county, Millbrae is doing well budgetary wise. I will work to maintain this, and give credit to our city for maintaining our fiscal responsibility. While the city council and county need to work more closely together to ensure all necessary services are provided in Millbrae, it is crucial that the city's limited funds are used as effectively as possible. These funds must be allocated to areas where the community's needs are greatest, such as to our sidewalks and roads, as well as having local bussing for our residents.

  • Addressing climate change and implementing effective environmental policies are priorities in my campaign.

    I am dedicated to introducing practical and impactful solutions that Millbrae can adopt to play a significant role in combating climate change. My vision is to build a community that embraces sustainability, reduces its carbon footprint, and serves as a model for surrounding cities. My goal is to enact policies such as community solar programs, allowing residents to participate in renewable energy generation even if they cannot install panels on their own property. I plan to launch an urban tree planting campaign to improve air quality and enhance local biodiversity. Additionally, I am committed to developing climate education and outreach programs that will empower residents with the knowledge and tools to live more sustainably. Through these initiatives, I aim to create a healthier, more resilient Millbrae for all residents.  

    I am committed to ensuring that Millbrae residents have a voice in decisions affecting our community. Our relationship with the county has been impacted, but a strong working relationship with the county is essential for our city's success. The county is a valuable source of funding for various initiatives and projects within Millbrae. To prevent situations like the La Quinta surprise from happening again, we need a leader who can rebuild that collaboration. 

    I am committed to being the leader who can restore those relationships and bridge the gap between the county and Millbrae.

  • Our seniors receiving the care and services they deserve is crucial for maintaining the heart and soul of Millbrae. Together we'll work towards local public transportation within the city, accessible outreach keeping all seniors informed about updates in the city, and providing our seniors the city services they qualify for.

  • As a city councilmember, I will hold monthly office hours, allowing constituents to discuss and provide input on funding priorities. The community knows best what is needed, and they will be in the driver's seat. This is to ensure our voice are heard, which hasn't been happening the past couple of years.

  • Working With Our Unions to Provide Workforce development programs

    The unions in our district must always have a seat at the table as they're fighting for better pay and working conditions for our neighbors. The fight that they’re waging is one that we should be uplifting and defending at every turn. I know that to help working families and young families, we need to work with unions - giving them a seat at the table and assisting the workers they represent to organize for the protections they deserve. This will help bolster the middle class and create an economically vibrant city.

    Unions also provide invaluable opportunities for young individuals by equipping them with essential skills, mentorship, and resources. We must foster these programs so youth can pursue fulfilling career paths if they so choose.


  • Thomas Marriscolo - Millbrae Resident and Former Burlingame Police Officer

    Paul Seto - Former Millbrae Mayor and Councilmember

    Claire Beltrami - Millbrae School Board

    Lynne Ferrario - Millbrae School Board and Former Principal of a Millbrae Elementary School

    Vockel family - residents of Millbrae for 25+ years

    Rachel Lauderdale - VP of the San Mateo Union High School District Teachers Association

    Dr. Muhammad Baluom - City of Millbrae trustee at San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District

    Eyad Musa - Millbrae Resident

    Rita Dawoud - Millbrae Resident

    Kelly Orzario - Lomita Park 4th Grade Teacher

    Sohalia Hernandez - Lomita Park 1st Grade Teacher

    Courtney Medrano - Lomita Park 2nd Grade Teacher

    Butch & Maria Berry - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teachers

    Alexia Azucena - Lomita Park Reading Specialist

    Jessica Gonzalez Ontiveros - Lomita Park 3rd Grade Teacher

    Jennifer Hoskins - Lomita Park Reading Specialist

    Tina Mondani - Lomita park Office Administrator

    Hassan Dafir - Lomita Park ELD Tutor

    Chris Rentaria - Lomita Park Facility Manager

    Justine Rutigliano - San Mateo County Teacher

  • Ro Khanna - U.S Congressman

    Kevin Mullin - U.S Congressman

    David Canepa - San Mateo County Supervisor

    Ahsha Safai - S.F Supervisor

    Lissette Espinoza-Garnica - Vice Mayor Redwood City

    Antonio Lopez - East Palo Alto Mayor

    James Coleman - South San Francisco Mayor

    Sam Hindi - Foster City City Councilmember and Former Mayor

    Marty Medina - San Bruno City Councilmember

    Tom Hamilton - San Bruno City Councilmember

    Peter Ortiz - San Jose City Councilmember

  • Sidewalk Juice Millbrae

    El Super Burrito

    Mills Cleaners

    San Mateo County Democratic Party

    California Young Democrats

    California Working Families Party

    Run for Something